Thursday, June 27, 2013


Chris had meetings at Ford Headquarters all week and since Dearborn is just as far from Ann Arbor as it is from Sterling Heights, we decided to go spend the week with Mike and Lauren.  It was fun to have some good time to hang out with Lauren and these two little sweethearts got to have some good bonding time too.  Jane is only 6 weeks older than Violet, so I'm sure these two cousins will always be close.  They played with toys together...

...went shopping together, had bath time together...

...went swimming together...

Jane loves the pool, especially when I lift her up out of the water and then splash her down in it.  

(Jane does this thing where she talks out of the side of her mouth.  I'm not sure what that's about, but it's kind of funny.)

... and played at the park together.  Jane loves the swings, if you can't tell.

 Jane gets pretty animated sometimes.


David and Mary Walton said...

Jane cracks me up...she has so many expressions! Violet looks like she is just calmly sitting there, and Jane is so animated and funny! What a fun time to be hanging out there and spend time together.

Elisha and Scott said...

Seriously, she has got to be the cutest baby ever!!!! We miss you guys! Come back soon!!!!