Friday, July 19, 2013

10 Months

Jane keeps us laughing all the time with her facial expressions and general enthusiasm for life.  When we stop the car and open the back door, she gasps and gives us the most excited face possible.  I mean she really couldn’t be happier in that moment.  Before bedtime, she’s the most playful.  She has the attention of both of her parents and loves when we chase her down the hallway on our hands and knees.   Lately it's mommy that chases and she crawls to the safety of her daddy's arms so he can run away.   
She's really taken to daddy more lately and prefers him a lot of the time as long as she's not hurt or sleepy.
When she's waiting for you to look at her, she'll call your attention with a short, polite "ah" and then when you acknowledge her,  do her excited crawl where her legs sometimes go a little faster than her arms.  I love it.  
She loves eating and will eat most everything we give her (except raspberries).  She particularly loves yogurt and gets excited when she sees me put it in the shopping cart.  Just this last month, she learned how to drink from a sippy cup and a bottle.  Phew.  We’ve been working on that for some time now.  Now she holds and drinks her bottle like a pro. 

 Our ward play group goes to the beach every week and I've gone a few times with them.  This last week was so hot, that if you weren't in the lake, you were just sweating.  Jane and I spent a lot of the afternoon sitting in the water and she just loved it.  She didn't care much for this sand.  Too wet, I guess.  She liked the dry stuff that rans off her fingers when she grabbed handfuls.  

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Cute bathing suit, little Jane. She's getting so big!