Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Peter (16 months old)

This little guy makes me so happy.  He is almost always smiley.  His explosive tantrums have subsided, although he's still pretty emotional when Jane takes his toys (which is often).  He still loves me best, but Daddy is rising in the ranks.  If either of us crouch down and hold out our arms, he will always come running and give a great big hug.  
Lately, he's developed a love for books.  Yay!  Now he's constantly bringing me books and crawling into my lap.  

He's just recently started saying words.  Only a trained ear can really pick them out, but everyday he adds a couple more words and animal sounds that I haven't heard from him yet.  

Peter is crazy about balls.  We have several now and he is constantly picking them up and throwing them.  When we go outside, he makes sure to grab one before we head out the door.  It’s also one of the few words he knows.  He points and says “Ah ball, ball, ball” excitedly.

He pays close attention to Jane’s potty habits and any time we’re in a bathroom, he’s ripping off pieces of toilet paper (tiny and big), wiping his crotch, and throwing them in the toilet. 
If the bathroom door is open, I’m sure to find Jane and Peter next to the toilet throwing bits of toilet paper in.  Jane is likely blowing her nose on the toilet paper.   I have had a couple of over-flowing toilets because of it. 

He's fast now.  He runs everywhere and has a pretty good stride.  I love hearing his little footsteps all over the house.

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