Sunday, September 23, 2012


Here's our little girl at one week old (well, six days to be exact).  Jane had a pretty good first six days.  She's loves to be held.  If she ever fusses, picking her up will pretty much settle that immediately.  Since we just love to hold her all the time, she never really gets the opportunity to cry.  When she's alert, she's often very engaged, holding eye contact and even smiling a few times (yes, real smiles, even at only six days old.  Our little girl is very advanced.)  Jane was a little bit Jaundiced at birth so they had us returning to the hospital every day for Bilirubin tests to check her levels.  Even when they pricked her foot every day, she only gave the slightest whimper at most.  She's a wonderfully calm and patient baby.  We are so enamored by her.  Now she's doing great and any traces of yellow left in her skin are thanks to her 1/4 Japanese ethnicity.  We love her beautiful skin tone and pronounced lips.

Don't you just love all those arm folds?

Jane loves getting her hair washed.  I guess she takes after her mother... and her mother's mother... and right on down that maternal line.  She gets really still and her eyes get really big.  It's pretty adorable.  I can't wait to give this girl a real bath.


Lisa said...

I love the third from the bottom where she's making that adorable open mouth smile. So cute!

Jessica Mitchell said...

Oh my heavens I am in love with her. Where did you get that hat? It is adorable. She is so beautiful and so perfect and has grown so much since we last saw her!!! We want to come see you guys again soon. What a beauty!

Laura said...

She is so beautiful. Love that fresh baby skin with all the cute rolls. Great photos!

Sarah Walton said...

Oh my word, she is so adorable. Love the pictures!

Elisha and Scott said...

I just love Jane. She is so adorable! We miss you guys! How's your first week by yourself?