Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hawaii - Day I

We're not making big piles of money quite yet, so we decided driving down to Las Vegas and flying out of there would be worth the almost $600 dollars we would save.  We left Thursday morning and drove down.  We thought Peter was getting a little better at dealing with his car seat, but we were wrong.  He screamed for 5 HOURS.  We thought, surely he would wear himself out and fall asleep at some point, but he sure showed us.  Jane, on the other hand, passed the time happily cleaning out her toe jam and singing Frozen or other songs only she knows.  She does really well in the car.  Airplanes are a little trickier, I guess.  She did well for the first four hours of our flight the next morning. Twirling in the aisle and singing Let It Go.  The last two hours were rough though.  Pushed way passed her nap-time, she just melted down and screamed and fought Chris for about 45 minutes before she screamed herself into a not-so-restful sleep.  Apparently, you can't have two infants in the same row, so Chris and I didn't even get to sit next to each other.  Peter was a champ on the plane, though.  He didn't cry once. He was just happy he wasn't in his car seat.

We landed and met Dave and Caitlin at Costco, where we picked up a few things before heading to the North Shore.  We rented a house up there that was right on the beach.  We knew that before we got there, but we were still geeking out when we came in and saw that we were practically in the water.  It was amazing.  That's our place above with the three palm trees in front.  We pretty much dropped our things, found our swimsuits and headed right out into the warm water.  It was magical.  I hadn't prepared myself for how humid Hawaii would be, I was a sweaty mess those first couple of days and happy to get in any time. 

The forecast said our best day would be Saturday, so we decided to dedicate it to the highly-recommended beach, Lanikai.  We were not disappointed.  The water was calm and turquoise and the sand was as soft as flour.   The weather was 84 degrees.  We were in heaven.  Well, all except Jane, who suddenly decided she hated sand (rough place to vacation for her).  She was fine with it in December when we went to the beach, but in Hawaii, she was uncomfortable to say the least and would have liked to be held the whole time.  She had fun going into the water with us and by the end of the day, so was so distracted chasing pigeons and eating chips that she forgot she was even walking on it.

Peter spent most of the day asleep on the blanket, which was both very surprising and very great.  It made it easy for us to play with Jane, take pictures, and go snorkeling.  Lanikai isn't a great place for snorkeling, but Dave already had the equipment so we gave it a try and actually got to see a sea turtle swimming around.  It was pretty cool.

 Uh oh, she's got sand on her toes...

Jane soon became good buddies with Quinn, following her around and mostly just wanting to be close to her.  Quinn was really sweet with her and welcomed the company.  Here they are just eating cookies on the beach.

 That night we went to Kua Aina Sandwich for dinner.   I got the avocado burger and it literally came with a whole avocado on top.  It was messy, but it was divine!  We actually went back two more times over the next week.


David and Mary Walton said...

So funny about Jane and the sand. Someday she will laugh about that. What a fun place to stay! It all looks wonderful to me!

Lisa said...

Looks like a fabulous trip! Glad you had fun!!

scott said...

So fun to check the blogging world again! Looks like we'll have to go cuz we can't just take your word for it that it was a good vacation!

Dan said...

Great to see all these pictures. Getting me in the mood to go back.