Saturday, September 29, 2007

Evolution of Amy

Ages: Brand new baby, 5, and 8.
Ages: 9, 11 and 14
ages: 18 ("Senior Picture"), 22, and 26.
Mom had sent these pictures of me to Grandma throughout the years, and then just recently sent them to me. I finally got around to scanning them in, so I thought I'd post a few.


Lisa said...

Love the pictures stitched together. I need the right program to do this. Hope you enjoyed RS broadcast and are watching the rest of the BYU game. It's halftime. Love ya!

Elisha and Scott said...

Looks good Amy...just one question though, what is that picture of Mike doing in the middle of your nine pictures?...just kidding! See you later this week.

Sarah Walton said...

Cute idea Amy! Fun to see how you have "evolved."

The Seaquist Family said...

You are the bravest person I know. I thought jr. high pictures were supposed to fall into a black hole...aren't you just the cutest though. If I was so cute I would post mine too!

Lisa said...

Emily says..."they don't look like Amy except the bottom ones and the red shirt one."